quarta-feira, 4 de março de 2015

MOAN - English version of "QUEIXUME"

Had in the look
a serene and nostalgic lament,
as the moan of a guitar
and chained in her chest
the words the heart remembered
and the mouth dared not speak.

The longing,
the silence and wait,
fed her soul.

Had on the night the companion of their cries
and on the breeze the messenger of dreams.

Did not know if someday
a distant ray of sunshine
could return the shine to the look.

She did not know, but believed...
and in the most bitter moments
drew with light and pastel
the foam days
and the face of the one
who illumined her feel.

Sometimes smiling,
with its sad smile,
sometimes enigmatic, almost childish
she flowed the serenity of someone
who knows,
that bare nights of affections
always end up alone

© Graça Costa

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